Saturday, April 08, 2006


SEO Tips - Search engine website rank

Getting your site a good rank on search engine is harder than ever nowadays. There even these bunch of dudes who call themselves SEO expert who does nothing but sitting in front of computer all days, looking at traffic reports and testing new tricks/tweaks to get traffic to their site. Sad life eh? Yeah maybe, but the information that they extract out of those tests and experiments are priceless. In internet marketing, web traffic is everything. Simply put, traffic == money. If you're planning to get a good rank, here's a list of stuffs that you can do for a start:

1. Use Old Domains
I know you have it. It's laying there somewhere. You know, the domain names that you bought 5 years back that you think was useless, and has no values in it. Yeah, that one. Use it. Don' t waste your time by registering new domains, waiting it to get indexed, building a new PR for it. scrap that and just go the easy way.

2. Get Linked
I'm not sure how you're suppose to do this but yeah, that is how Google algorithm works. Your popularity is based on how many people that link to your site. Common sense yeah. If you're popular, people would want to affliate with you, coz you're cool. Try to get a site with a high popularity to link to you. This will make your site even cooler. No seriously. It's good for you. My suggestion is to get into link exchange programs. One good program is linkmetro. Register there, and go all crazy for one month or two. Or just spam all your close friends and force them to link you.

There's more but i think my cat is trying to shit on the bed, so.. later.

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